Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sound Ministry

As technology becomes pervasive in our culture, the church begins to employ it within worship at an increasing rate. From projectors and sound systems to websites and blogs we use this technology to assit our worship practices and spread the Good News through digital means.

In so many ways the church needs to approach sound ministry as it approaches all other aspects of worship life in the church. Detailed considerations and church wide discussions need to be employed when making decisions about technology in the church. It also is important to find a person with the churches best interest in mind to lead the discussion and decision making process. This person should take the following questions into consideration.
  1. What is the end result intended by this purchase/upgrade?
  2. What are the theological implications of this purchase/upgrade?
  3. Can we use any of our current equipment in this change?
  4. Who will run and maintain the equipment for our congregation?
  5. How does our budget limit our decisions?
  6. What is the longevity of the decisions we are making?
The intent of the following blog posts is to explore these questions in a general level enabling those decision makers to ask the proper questions and hopefully lead them toward well inform decisions. If you are reading this, thank you for visiting. Please feel free to comment or ask questions.


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